Saturday, November 27, 2010

On track!

I was supposed to have my third beta yesterday which would have been a week after my second beta (which was 112). However, when I called the lab to see if they had funky post-holiday hours, I was told they weren't open. So I checked with my clinic to see if delaying a day would work, and they were fine with that.

Well, it turns out the lab *was* open (the phlebotomist mentioned it was very quiet yesterday... I can see why if everyone was told it was closed...) -- oh well. At any rate, we went in this morning around 10am for the blooddraw and I just got the call from my clinic.

My third beta is 1929 (slightly more than doubling every two days)! I'll get my progesterone number tomorrow -- curious what it is, since my first one was so high at 57. With IVF #1, it ranged between 20 and 35.

In other news I'm driving cross country with my dad this week (he needs to get his car back to California), which should keep me occupied waiting for the ultrasound next Sunday.

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I made another pie yesterday so we'd have leftovers to eat this weekend. We also very successfully converted leftover stuffing into savory bread pudding. Mmmm.


  1. That's great news!!! Congratulations on a nice big beta number and have fun on the drive!

  2. That is a great number! And a savory bread he recipe!

  3. sounds like good numbers when is your first u/s? I go in Monday for my 3rd beta and i am very excited to see what my numbers are but also a little freaked out and scared about it!

    Good luck!

  4. Terrific news!!!!!! how wonderful! Enjoy your drive cross country and that second pie - mmmmmmm!!!!

  5. AWESOME!!! So happy for you....and YIP on the great distraction this week. xoxo

  6. Wow, awesome numbers! Congrats.

  7. That's great news! And a trip sounds like a good distraction indeed!
