Monday, March 14, 2011


Quick update -- got an update from our clinic. Our laggard embryo didn't make it, but our three from yesterday are still growing. And it turns out we did have 7 eggs -- 3 mature, 4 immature (one of which matured overnight and became the laggard -- we've never had success with those late-maturing eggs, tho...)

Next update should be Wednesday -- afternoon call to tell me transfer time for Thursday (since we won't know yet if we have something to transfer) and then evening call from my doctor with the genetic screening results. Of course we could get a call before then if we lose all the embryos, but hopefully that won't happen.

Feeling less sore today but still swollen and squishy.

Sending good wishes and #hope over to Jen at This is Personal - her transfer is Wednesday!


  1. those 3 embryos are Rock Stars!! Wishing you all the best with this cycle.

  2. Wishing you all the best for your transfer... I'm amazed at how few make it through this IVF process intact - or maybe someone told me the statistics before we started and I chose to suppress that information !! I guess it only takes one great embryo and hoping you have others to freeze too :)) xoxo

  3. Will be thinking of you and hoping the embies grow big and strong! Best wishes and good luck :)

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  5. Sending you lots of luck & best wishes for Thursday x

  6. Yay, go embies. Sending you lots of luck!

  7. Yay for three embryos!!! Will be thinking of you this week!!!

  8. Yay for three embryos! Hope the keep growing strong! how many will you transfer?

    hang in there (hugs)

  9. Come on embies!!! Nervously awaiting alongside with you...

  10. Sending you lots and lots of luck and best wishes with this upcoming transfer.. :)

  11. I had my transfer last Thursday. Blood test on the 23 Rd. Good luck.
