Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another milestone crossed

Our ultrasound this morning showed one embryo, well placed, with a heartbeat!

He was very quickly able to find the gestational sac and see a heartbeat when he put the ultrasound wand in, which was good, because after looking at my ovaries, everything had shifted a bit and he had a heck of a time getting a good view again. It probably took 10 minutes for him to get the scan right so he could see and measure the heartbeat. Was stressful even though we'd see it earlier, and it would have been agonizing if that's how things started.

The heartbeat on first measurement was 108 bpm, and on the second measurement was 110bpm. He likes to see 110-112bpm (although looking online, 108-110 seems just fine).

Measuring 6w1d +/- 2 days, and today is 6w3d. So in the range (although it always entertains me that they can consider something this tiny an accurate measurement -- honestly a pixel or two one way or the other really matters).

Our RE was more cautious sounding than he was in the spring when we had our first BFP. It was hard to read. I think it's because we lost our first pregnancy, so he'd rather be cautious but optimistic and have everything work out, than glowingly optimistic and have us face another loss.

He wants us to have another ultrasound in 7-10 days. I'll be calling my ob (my ob/gyn was my pre-IVF RE) to see if he can get us in early next week (Dec 13-15) -- if not we'll go back to my IVF doc for this next scan. (In the spring, he recommended the next ultrasound be 2-3 weeks after the 6w3d one, with my ob. So I'm sure he's recommending an earlier one to help us get through the anxious next few weeks.)

I'm stressed about doing the next ultrasound with my ob, because that's where we had the 9week ultrasound in May where we found out the embryo had stopped growing. But I'm glad we'll only be waiting a week or so to get some confirmation of what's going on in there.

So far so good...


  1. I needed to hear some good news today, so glad all went well and praying it continues to go well. I agree with you, it was good he found the sac and heartbeat before lossing it. how stressful that would have been! xoxoxoxo

  2. Yea for seeing a heartbeat! I hope you cross another milestone and graduate to your ob.

  3. That's great news! Congrats! Can't wait to hear more great news!!!

  4. I'm so happy that you have a heartbeat in there!!! Such exciting news. I know this has to be nerve-wracking after your previous experience, but try to be positive as much as possible. I have everything crossed for you!!!

  5. Whoo hoo!!! Congrats on such an awesome ultrasound!!

  6. its great you are doing so well/ congrats on the pregnancy. I dont know if you have done any acupuncture in this series or are totally against it, but there are lots of good studies on acupuncture to prevent miscarraige. And, I personally have had some great success getting early pregnancies thru first trimester with it. SO, in case you needed some stress management and support, I highly reccomend it. XO Take Care. Masina Wright ND (Toronto)

  7. Fantastic News! im scheduled for antagonist protocol beginning this month. I was wondering what if any side efffects the meds had on you. I'll read back though because you've probably already chronicled all of that.

  8. Congrats on such great great news!

  9. Congrats! This is such wonderful news :) So happy for you!! :)

  10. Great news! It must be so tedious google-ing statistics!! Hoping that everything goes well for you!

  11. That is wonderful! So excited for you! Keep the good news coming!

  12. AWESOME appt!! Heartbeat is a huge, awesome milestone. Deep breaths and onto the next one, which you WILL get thru. I know it! Zen zen zen zen. xo
