Monday, April 16, 2012

Positive! (and a beta!)

After an anxious weekend, in which I held out and didn't POAS, I woke up at 2:30am this morning and had to pee. I stayed in bed, afraid to go test, and then realized there was no way I was going back to sleep *without* peeing. So I got up, which woke my husband a bit, and did the home pregnancy test. It was immediately (within 10 seconds) positive. So I called out to him that I'm pregnant and he said 'really?!' and came into the bathroom. So we had 20 minutes of middle-of-the-night cuddles and chat and then tried to go back to sleep, which eventually worked for a couple more hours.

This morning I went for the blooddraw, which I did around 9:15am, and expect to get the call from my clinic in the early afternoon. Beta came back at 165! Repeat beta on Wednesday and I'll do an Intralipid on Thursday afternoon.

Here's the photo from 3am (there's also a 7am photo of the same test that I posted on twitter):


Last night my husband asked me if I thought this cycle worked - he's been very positive about this cycle because I've been so happy for the past month and he thinks that makes a difference - and I said I did, but that I was still scared. After a cycle with all the right symptoms ended in a BFN, it really teaches you not to rely on symptoms.

That said, I've been really tired every afternoon, although I haven't had the 'sleep-like-a-log' phenomenon (yet?) My breasts were really sore right after transfer, but have been much less sore since. I've been extremely thirsty (this happened with my first pregnancy too) and drinking waaaaay more water than I usually do. And no specific low abdomen pulling sensations, but various cram pings. And I did feel what I'm pretty sure was implantation the night of transfer.

First hurdle crossed!!


  1. What wonderful news. Sending a huge hug and congrats from Oklahoma!

  2. Congratulations! fabulous News!!!!!!

  3. Congratulations! Sending postive thoughts your way!

  4. Awesome news! Cant wait to hear the beta number.

  5. Woohoo!!! So happy for you!!!!

  6. Awesome, implantation as soon as you transfer is extremely good news!!! Keeping fingers toes and everything crossed!

  7. Amazing news!! Congrats!! I still remember the fear of peeing on that stick being over-ruled by how badly I needed to pee! Oh the memories!

    1. I think I was in bed, awake, needing to pee, for at least 30 minutes if not longer. :)

  8. Congratulations! Wonderful news. Stick little baby:)

  9. Yay! Such awesome news! Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months. Praying for a very sticky bean for you!!!

  10. Congrats! This is wonderful news!

  11. YAY!!! Congratulations!!!!! SO exciting! :)

  12. Great news! I'm thrilled to read your update. I am holding much hope for you, Brave woman.

  13. What wonderful news!!!!!!!! CONGRATS mama.

  14. Sooooooo thrilled for you!!!!

  15. Just found your blog. Congrats on your BFP! I hope I'm lucky enough to post that someday. New follower. Looking forward to following your journey into motherhood!

  16. fertility treatment
    Great news! I'm excited to study your upgrade. I am positioning much wish for you, Courageous lady.

  17. Awsome news! Congraatulations!!!!!!
