It's been awhile since I've blogged, so I figure I'm overdue for an update.
Our donor's genetic consult and psych consult are complete, as is our psych consult. We're now waiting for her medical screening appointment to be scheduled - the nurse guessed it'll be the first week of September. Shocking that September is so close - it sounds so far away but when I look at a calendar, it's right around the corner.
We have a few infectious diseases to get re-tested for (thanks, FDA), and I have to get my immunology bloodwork redone to see how it's looking, but otherwise are on hold.
Checks have been sent for all the donor payments, and I've had the financial consult for the IVF cycle. Due to the DQ Alpha partial match, we'll be transferring one embryo at a time. Annoyingly, that means we aren't eligible for the shared risk plan at our clinic. We meet every other criteria, but the "following doctor's recommendations, including transferring two embryos at a time". It's extra annoying, because it's in everyone's interest that I transfer one at a time.
With a partial match, 75% of 2-embryo transfers will result in at least one match, which means my immune system will flare up and reject the embryos. And in a shared risk plan, I'd get 90% of my money back if I didn't end up pregnant at the end of all the transfers.
With a single embryo transfer, only 50% of my transfers will result in a match. So I feel like I'm being punished for having this extra information, which in fact helps everyone be successful. Grr.
I'm still waiting for AF. CD 42... I think it's a reflection of the state of my ovaries, honestly. Good thing we decided to move on...
Once the donor passes her medical screening, we'll both go on the pill for a few weeks and then start stims. Depending on immunology, I may do Humira shots again in September.
My nurse's best guess is that we'll do a retrieval around mid-October. I just want to get started so I know we're on a path.
My puppy is keeping me busy. We started puppy class and took her to a puppy social today which was really fun. I'm still a little dubious about the whole puppy thing - she's so much work. I'm looking forward to being past the puppy days but wish she'd stay this size.
Sending loving thoughts to C who's dealing with a BFN from her FET.